Fact Finding team of National Confederation of Human Rights Organizations New
Delhi, is scheduled to arrive on 05 May, 2017 at village Balu (Kaithal) to
inquire into the incidents of Dalit Atrocities happened on May Day. Prominent
Human Rights Activists Mr. Ansar Indori, Mr. Siddique Kaapan and Mr. Khalid
Saifulha along with Mrs. Ashok Kumari, NCHRO Delhi State President and Research
Scholar from the Delhi University are the main participant of the Fact Finding
team. This team will meet the Dalit families as well as injured youths of the
Balmiki community of village Balu and study all the circumstances of attack on
the Dalit basti. Human Rights Activists will also meet with the District Administration
to take its opinion in respect of the incidents of Dalit Atrocities in the
District Kaithal.
will arrive at Kaithal at about 11:00 am and return back Kaithal after completing the
fact finding at about 4:00 pm. A Press Conference will also be held at district headquarter. If anybody wants to join this team please report
at 10:00 am at Chamber No. 99, Lawyers Chambers complex, District Courts
Kaithal or contact at mobile No. 7404552709.
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